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Don’t let your guard down this Labor Day weekend

Biden administration advises companies to prepare for cyberattack

History has given us a roadmap to either help us improve or regress. When it comes to cybersecurity, we prefer to learn from the past.

The IT software design and development company Kaseya, made front page news in the tech world for their July ransomware attack over the Independence Day weekend. The company was named the largest in ransomware history.

The Florida-based company has an estimated 40,000 organizations across the globe that utilize at least one of their IT solutions.  1500 of those companies have been affected by the breach.

Given holiday weekends appear to be a common target for cyberattacks, according to Anne Neuberger, deputy national security adviser, she has advised companies to be on high alert.

Federal agencies  recommends practicing basic cyber protection, which includes:

  • creating an offline backup of data
  • avoiding clicking on suspicious links
  • updating software
  • using strong passwords and multi-factor authentication

For more information on how we can help protect your systems, please give us a call today.

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