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4 ways to lessen the blow of a data breach

No business wants to suffer a data breach. But unfortunately, in today’s environment, it’s difficult to completely avoid them.
Approximately 83% of organizations have experienced more than one data breach. IBM Security 2022.

The global average cost of a data breach is now $4.35 million, up 2.6% from last year.
Companies don’t need to resign themselves to the impending doom of a breach. There are some proven tactics they can take to mitigate the costs.

Cybersecurity Tactics to Reduce the Impact of a Breach

1. Use a Hybrid Cloud— approach breaches in both the public cloud and private cloud cost more than those in organizations using a hybrid cloud approach.
2. Put in place an incident response plan— practice-It having a practiced incident response plan reduces the cost of a data breach. It lowers it by an average of $2.66 million per incident.
3. Adopt a Zero Trust Security— approach organizations that don’t deploy zero trust tactics pay about $1 million more per data breach.
4. Use Tools with Security AI & Automation-– data breach expenses lower by 65.2% thanks to security A.I. and automation solutions. These types of solutions include tools like Advanced Threat Protection (ATP).

Need help improving your security and reducing risk? Working with a trusted IT partner takes a lot of the security burden off your shoulders. Call today to schedule a chat about your Cybersecurity Roadmap.

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