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Top 7 app announcements at Microsoft ignite 2022

If you follow Microsoft products, then you may know about Microsoft Ignite.
Held annually, it generates many exciting updates and announcements in the Microsoft world. Microsoft held its most recent event last October.

Out of the conference came a lot of Microsoft 365 news that can positively impact your business productivity. We’ll go through the highlights below.

These may give you some ideas for your next digital workflow upgrade.
Teams Premium
360-degree intelligent camera for Teams meetings
Cisco is now a certified devices partner for Teams rooms
Microsoft Places
Hours & location feature in Outlook & Teams
Loop App Private Preview
Microsoft Clipchamp video editor

Are you as excited as we are about these new apps? Give us a call today to schedule your next consultation, so we can tell you which apps will suit your business needs.  While you’re at it, check us out on socialmedia to stay up to date on the latest tech news.

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