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What does the Russia-Ukraine war mean for us?

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After months of preparation, Russia invaded Ukraine and the world is feeling those effects. Many people have asked the question, what does this war mean for them?

On one hand, this means higher gas prices, and on the other it’s higher food prices and lack of food in some areas. Ukraine and Russia are top exporters of grain and vegetable oil, and supply a large number of goods across the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa.

This conflict won’t just affect exports, but security as well. After the attacks occurred, US cybersecurity agencies observed suspected Russian-sourced cyberattacks over the course of several days. According to Forbes, the level of cyber threats increased by 800%. Our US cybersecurity teams are unaware of what types of attacks will come of this catastrophe, but suggest everyone keep their eyes peeled for these types of digital attacks:

  • Malware
  • Ransomware
  • DDoS
  • Zero-day vulnerabilies
  • Data anomalies

Big tech companies like Microsoft are working tirelessly to put an end to state-sponsored disinformation campaigns, also known as propaganda. In accordance with the European Union’s recent decision, Microsoft will no longer display any state-sponsored RT and Sputnik content on their platforms, which includes the removal of RT news apps from the Window’s app store and banning all advertisement across their network from these sites.

The companies that have announced they are leaving Russia and or temporarily terminating business with them:

  • BP
  • Shell
  • FedEx
  • UPS
  • Dell
  • Delta Airlines
  • Google
  • Meta
  • Twitter

In times of conflict, remaining diligent on security measures is evermore crucial. Please contact us today with questions and inquiries about how we plan to continue to protect you and your business.

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