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What does telecommuting mean for cyber security?

Thanks to ever-evolving technology,  the way we think about “going to work” and created a healthier way to balance our everyday lives.

The pandemic has caused roughly 7.2 million people to become unemployed, but it has also changed the way businesses view working, by freeing up time we would normally utilize by sitting in an office.

Telecommuting has been on the rise since 2005, but has taken a giant increase in more recent years. This has caused many companies to seek out ways to enhance their security systems while following this movement.

Common security challenges when working remotely

  • Security no longer becomes just the employer’s responsibility, but it becomes everyone’s responsibility
  • Employees aren’t always trained to recognize scams

We are beyond the days where it’s the employers sole responsibility of being educated on how to avoid security breaches. Employees are now being trained on the signs of a potential threat. Thanks to the pandemic, our spam boxes have been working overtime.

Part of employees taking some of the workload with spotting these cyber threats is being provided with the necessary tools and being trained. With no supervisor to supervise them on these security protocols, often than not, they will become lax on these important security measures.

Best practices for working remotely

  • Equip all employees with proper tools and technology
  • Update network security regularly
  • Require employees to use strong passwords and to change them quarterly

Tools and technology

Establishing a work from home policy is just the tip of keeping employees on track. They will also need anti-virus software, password manager, and VPN. With these tools, they can focus on the work they need to do and less on potential security breaches.

Regularly update network

 Any device that will be used to gain access to company data, or any other sensitive information needs have regular network updates.


 Weak passwords pose a major security risk, so using strong passwords that contain at least 1 upper case, lower case, number, and special character are highly recommended.

For more information on how we can get you setup remotely, please feel free to contact us here.

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